
Parent Teacher Ministries

Every family is a member of the SHCS PTM. By coordinating volunteer opportunities, teacher appreciation, and helping with the auction, The PTM seeks to be of service to the school community and provide a better connection between home and school. There are many ways to become involved in this great organization; please contact PTM President Kathy Willard​ at shptm@shcknox.org.

2024/2025 SHCS- Parent Teacher Ministries Meeting Schedule:
All Meetings will be held monthly on Wednesdays at 11:15 am in the SHCS Art Room-Ms. Shaffer’s Room.

Meeting Dates (Minutes posted are provided to SHCS by the PTM Secretary):
PTM Board members are:
  • President:  Kathy Willard
  • Vice President:  Katie Wakley
  • Secretary: Whitney James
  • Treasurer:  Maria Kirkland

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